German officials have asked the Chadian ambassador in Berlin to depart the country, in retaliation for Chad’s request that German ambassador Jan-Christian Gordon Kricke leave their own nation last Friday.

“We regret that it had to come to this,” said the German ministry in a statement issued Wednesday. It explained that Mariam Ali Moussa, the Chadian ambassador, was asked to leave within 48 hours in response to Chad’s action against Kricke, who they defended as a professional targeted by undeserved allegations that he violated protocol in executing his role.

“Ambassador Kricke performed his duties in N’Djamena in an exemplary manner and campaigned for human rights and the rapid transition to a civilian government in Chad,” the German Federal Foreign Office said, adding that it will continue its commitment to these goals.

Chad is currently governed by Mahamat Idriss Déby, the interim president and leader of a transitional council in place since the death of his father, Idriss Déby. The 68-year-old former president was killed in April 2021 during clashes with armed groups just days after his reelection.

Germany, along with other nations, has expressed concern over Déby’s decision to extend the transition in Chad, one that led to violent protests in January, while raising questions over the country’s commitment to democratic principles.

Chad, in turn, has accused Kricke of interfering in Chad’s affairs and making divisive comments about how Chad is governed, with N’Djamena calling his behavior “non-respect of diplomatic practices.”

Image: German Federal Foreign Office



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