3 min read

Upon reaching a certain level in business, an owner aims to enhance their company’s profit and stability. This phase marks a shift in focus from operational activities to strategic development. Procedures and job descriptions are implemented, planning is introduced, and both the owner and managers learn to delegate tasks. Over time, the owner gains a consistent and predictable income, as well as the freedom to pursue creative ideas, which is a key motivation for many entrepreneurs. The business gradually attains a certain value, shaped by the quality of the team, internal processes, and their efficiency. However, many entrepreneurs ponder their……

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Alex Visotsky

Alex Visotsky is a co-founder of Business Booster. The accelerator which since 2009 designed to help companies achieve effectiveness and systematization.
With over 7200 trainings delivered, Alex Visotsky has helped numerous companies all over the world to implement the Business Operating System into their organizational structures, which lets them run and scale business without their owners’ participation.
He is the author of multiple bestselling books, including “The Business Owner Defined”, “Small Business. Big Game” and others that have globally sold more than 180,000 copies.
