Healthcare workers currently spend much of their time handling documentation and paperwork, which could have been spent focusing on patient care. Having to do excessive amounts of paperwork, in addition to the already straining activity of providing healthcare to patients, can leave medical workers at a very real risk of experiencing burnout. Exhaustion and mental stress can lead to an increased possibility of making mistakes, and the healthcare sector simply cannot afford to leave room for errors.

But by utilizing the capabilities of ChatGPT, some of the administrative workload can be automated, and the burden on health workers can be reduced. The chatbot can automate administrative tasks such as handling certain authorization documents, managing patient records, and supporting the writing and summarizing of clinical notes.

With proper oversight, letting ChatGPT handle these tasks would ensure high accuracy in the paperwork. Patient care and satisfaction would also be enhanced since medical professionals would have more time to tend to patients. Patients would spend less time waiting for care, and healthcare workers would get easier and quicker access to necessary patient information.


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