In a world where medical innovation and imaging technologies play a key role in diagnosis and treatment, United Imaging Healthcare (UIH) is leading the way. Committed to constantly seeking new solutions and improving the quality of healthcare, UIH is driving progress in the diagnostic imaging industry, combining precision, convenience and modernity.

United Imaging Healthcare – precision and comfort at the highest level

As a multinational company specialising in innovative medical solutions, United Imaging Healthcare (UIH) has revolutionised the diagnostic imaging industry. Through ongoing collaboration with experts around the world, UIH provides the highest quality hardware and software, improving diagnostic accuracy and patient comfort. UIH equipment is characterised by high sensitivity and the ability to detect pathological changes at an early stage, as well as ergonomic design and advanced image analysis tools.

State-of-the-art imaging technologies from UIH

UIH’s advanced molecular imaging systems, such as PET/CT and PET/MR scanners, offer unparalleled diagnostic capabilities in oncology, neurology and cardiology. UIH’s magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) systems offer exceptional image quality, performance and patient comfort. The use of artificial intelligence algorithms in UIH equipment reduces examination times while improving precision and quality.

Next generation imaging equipment

United Imaging Healthcare continues to invest in technological development and offers the next generation of imaging equipment. Digital X-ray diagnostic systems and innovative digital radiography equipment reduce the radiation dose to the patient while maintaining high image quality. These solutions open up new possibilities in medicine, bringing greater comfort and quality of life to patients.

Consulting, comprehensive training and after-sales support

UIH offers an end-to-end service covering all stages of a new system purchase – from consultancy, through comprehensive application training at the system installation site and at dedicated training centres, to after-sales support.

Intensive training programmes for operators and technicians ensure that equipment performance and operating efficiency are maximised. The UIH European Customer Centre, supported by the company’s R&D department, provides rapid product and service support (available by e-mail at [email protected]), underlining the company’s commitment to providing superior customer service.

In this way, United Imaging Healthcare not only provides advanced medical technology, but is also committed to creating a better future in healthcare by striving to make state-of-the-art solutions available to everyone, regardless of where they live or their social status.
