
Vitamin C for Good Health


Everyone is aware of the daily requirement of vitamin C. However, only a few know that our human body cannot store vitamin C, so it becomes essential to get this source of nutrition from the daily diet. Also known by the name of ascorbic acid, this essential nutrient supports your immune system. It also allows your body to use the iron you get from your daily food.

Many essential roles are played by vitamin C as it alone can prevent infection and fight diseases.  Fruits and vegetables are the best food sources of vitamin C. Eating various healthful foods will help people meet their daily requirements.

Why is Vitamin C Essential?

It is a powerful antioxidant that safeguards cells of our body from damage caused by free radicals. Moreover, this vitamin has an essential role to play in the body tissues. Also, vitamin C helps collagen production, vital for building and maintaining joints, skin, Vitamin, and healthy bones.

Deficiency of Vitamin C can result in scurvy which can further cause:

  • Body fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Depression
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth loss
  • Problem with wound healing

Any of the problems mentioned above can disrupt your daily routine leading to severe problems in the future. However, by introducing natural sources of Vitamin C in your daily diet, you can live and relish a healthy life.

Top 10 Natural Food Sources of Vitamin C

  1. The Kakadu Plum

The Australian native superfood is a powerful source of vitamin C that is 100 times more beneficial than oranges. More specifically, it contains up to 5,300 mg per hundred grams, the highest known concentration of vitamin C. Consume a single plum pack, and you can get  480 mg of vitamin C.

This excellent superfood is also rich in vitamin E, potassium, lutein (an antioxidant) that also provides eye health benefits.

  1. Red Pepper

red paper

Another superfood that has an ample amount of vitamin C is red pepper. It provides up to 95 mg per 64 g. Red pepper is also a good source of potassium, manganese, folate,  vitamins A, B, E, K, and phosphorus. You can consume it in different ways, including salad, soup, or dice it into an omelet.

  1. Kiwi Fruit

This frizzy fruit is also an excellent natural source of vitamin C that has up to 70 mg of vitamin C per kiwi. It also has more concentration of vitamin C than oranges. It is packed with fiber, carotenoids, and flavonoids, which help in protecting your cells. It will help if you consume it along with its skin to get better nutrients and fiber. For this, rub it off first and eat them without peeling the skin. Make sure you wash it properly before eating.

  1. Broccoli

Consuming at least half a cup of this cruciferous veggie can provide up to 70% daily value. If you are taking 45g of cooked broccoli, you get around 50 mg of vitamin C. It is also loaded with plenty of fiber and other antioxidants that reduce body inflammation. You can steam it for 5 minutes as it helps keep more of the vitamin C inside compared to other cooking methods like boiling or frying.

  1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are also a rich source of vitamins. However, ensure eating raw tomatoes to get maximum DV of vitamin C. A medium-sized raw tomato can provide up to 20 mg of vitamin C. It also contains folate and potassium.

The level of vitamin C goes down when you cook it. So, you should enjoy all the benefits of this natural source of vitamin C and try putting it inside your sandwich. You can also cook tomato sauce and added over your pasta for dinner.

  1. Cauliflower


A cup of florets has about 40 milligrams of vitamin C. It’s also a decent source of vitamin K, folate, and fiber. You can eat it raw, steam it, or roast it with a bit of olive oil. Dress up the flavor with fresh herbs, like thyme, with about 4 milligrams of vitamin C in a tablespoon.

  1. Grapefruit Juice

A 6-ounce glass should give you 70 to 95 milligrams of vitamin C, about what you need for the day. If you can’t stand the sour taste, the same amount of orange juice should do just as well.

  1. Parsley

It is again a great source of vitamin C, and taking only two tablespoons of fresh parsley will provide you with 11% of the daily value of the vitamin.

Moreover, parsley is a vital source of non-heme iron. The absorption of non-heme iron can be increased by Vitamin C. It prevents and helps in treating anemia.

  1. Brussels Sprouts

Consuming a half cup of cooked Brussel sprouts can give you 50% of the recommended daily value for vitamin C. It contains 49 mg of vitamin C, and along with that, it is high in fiber, folate, manganese, and potassium. Moreover, it is a rich source of vitamin K, which is vital for good bone health.

In a 2018 review, it was found that people taking high intake of Vitamin C were related to 26% lesser risk of hip fractures. Even more than 30% reduced the risk of osteoporosis by adding Vitamin C to their daily intake.

  1. Rose Hips

rose rips

It is a small, sweet and tangy fruit that is loaded with Vitamin C. It belongs to the rose plant, and around 5 Rose hips can give 115 mg of vitamin C. Moreover, vitamin C helps in improving skin care elasticity by producing collagen. The fruit can also lower the sun damage to skin, dryness, and discoloration, eventually improving overall facial appearance.

Consumption of this natural food source can also heal dermatitis, which is a severe inflammatory skin condition.

The Bottom Line

It is not advisable to ignore the importance of Vitamin C. This vital nutrient is suitable for your immune system, heart, and connective tissues.

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