The Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) is planning to conduct a study to find potential routes for a highway that would connect Koh Samui island to the mainland.

Key Takeaways

  • The Expressway Authority of Thailand plans to conduct a study to establish a highway linking Koh Samui and the mainland, aiming to improve accessibility and connectivity to the popular tourist destination.
  • The proposed highway is expected to benefit both tourism and the transportation of goods to Koh Samui, which is currently limited to air and sea routes.
  • The upcoming public hearings will discuss important aspects such as investment viability, economic implications, and environmental impacts of the highway project.

The aim is to improve accessibility and connectivity to the popular tourist destination. EXAT has identified seven possible routes and will hold a public hearing to discuss the merits and drawbacks of each route.

The highway is expected to benefit both tourism and the transportation of goods to Koh Samui. Currently, access to the island is limited to air and sea routes.

In order to gather valuable insights and opinions, the Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) has decided to hold public hearings to discuss the merits and drawbacks of each of the seven possible routes identified for the proposed highway. These hearings will provide a platform for stakeholders, including local communities, business owners, and experts, to voice their thoughts and concerns regarding the project.

The study conducted by EXAT aims to evaluate various important aspects related to the highway project. One of the key factors that will be taken into consideration is the investment viability of each route. EXAT will carefully assess the financial feasibility and potential economic benefits that the highway would bring to the region.

Moreover, the team responsible for the study will also closely examine the economic implications that this highway could have on Koh Samui and the surrounding areas. It is expected that improved accessibility and connectivity would attract more tourists to the island, leading to a boost in the local economy. Additionally, the transportation of goods to and from Koh Samui would become more efficient and cost-effective, further contributing to the economic growth of the region.

Alongside the economic aspects, the environmental impacts of the highway project will also be thoroughly evaluated. EXAT aims to develop a sustainable and environmentally friendly infrastructure that minimizes any potential harm to the delicate ecosystems in the area. This includes conducting comprehensive studies on the project’s effects on wildlife, natural resources, and local ecosystems.

By conducting this study and involving the public through the series of hearings, EXAT demonstrates its commitment to making informed decisions that prioritize the well-being of both the local communities and the environment. The proposed highway has the potential to enhance accessibility, spur economic growth, and improve transportation options to and from the beautiful island of Koh Samui.

This project has caught the attention of locals and interested parties alike, as it signifies a significant development for the region. As the public hearings approach, the anticipation and excitement continue to grow, as stakeholders eagerly await the outcome and the potential positive impacts that the highway would bring.

Overall, the proposed highway project connecting Koh Samui to the mainland promises to be a transformative endeavor, offering new possibilities for tourists, businesses, and residents alike. EXAT’s thorough study and the engagement of the public will ensure that the best possible route is chosen, taking into account various factors such as investment viability, economic implications, and environmental sustainability.

EXAT Initiates Public Hearings for Koh Samui-Mainland Highway Project (

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Thailand Business News covers the latest economic, market, investment, real-estate and financial news from Thailand and Asean. It also features topics such as tourism, stocks, banking, aviation, property, and more.

