Back in 2014, I was invited to join the AGU Blogosphere to post about geoscience education and educational technology (see my very first post, Join the Trek to explore Geoscience Education). Over time, as my career interests and experiences expanded, my posts included science communication and the creative arts. I shared conference summaries, field experiences, best practices on inclusive pedagogy, and more. I’ve posted 428 blog entries, with this being #429. This post is also my final blog post, wrapping up my journey on GeoEd Trek as the AGU Blogosphere concludes.

Back of person looking across a lake at a mountain

Where will my journeys take me next? (besides visits to national parks, like Rocky Mountain National Park!)

I am so thankful I had the opportunity to share with the world my pedagogical thoughts, insights, and suggested readings and classroom approaches. As the only geoscientist at my campus, this blog gave me the feeling that I had a voice in the geoscience community. The responses I received in the comments section on the individual posts and through email enabled me to feel connected and respected. GeoEd Trek helped me expand my professional network and connections in ways that would not have otherwise been possible.

I’m not sure where I’ll be “trekking” in the future, but all of these blog posts will be moved over to a new site, I will continue to post about my science quilting and professional experiences over at my personal blog, Journeys of Dr. G. I’m looking forward to seeing how I can contribute articles to EOS and other publications.

Thank you, AGU, for having myself and geoscience education as a part of the AGU Blogosphere!

