In the latest episode of The Baller Alert Show, the spotlight was on 310 Baby, the emerging rapper who’s been catching waves and making serious moves in the rap game. Hosted by the ever-engaging Ferrari Simmons, BT and OCT, the interview took us through the journey of 310 Baby, his insights on the West Coast rap scene, and some real talk about balancing life, school, and music.

Hailing from Englewood, Los Angeles, 310 Baby shared that his upbringing was rooted in a supportive family environment. He dabbled in music from a young age, kicking off his career in middle school but only getting serious by seventh grade. It was “The Squabble,” a track accompanied by a catchy dance routine, that first put him on the map, showcasing the potential that lay within.

When asked about the current state of West Coast rap, 310 Baby was quick to dismiss any talk of its demise. Pointing to his own ascent and the continued success of giants like Kendrick Lamar, he argued that the scene is very much alive and thriving. He suggested that the perception of a dying West Coast rap scene is a myth, perpetuated by those on the East Coast who are perhaps a bit too snug in their own musical bubble to notice the vibrant talent emerging from the West.

Amidst his rising career, 310 Baby is also navigating his final year of high school, with graduation on the horizon in June 2024. It’s a balancing act he seems to have mastered, maintaining that neither his education nor his music is taking a back seat.

Social media, a cornerstone of modern fame, doesn’t hold too much appeal for 310 Baby, especially platforms like TikTok. He expressed a wish for his personal moments, like his upcoming graduation, to remain offline, a reminder of the privacy he cherishes.

Closing the interview, 310 Baby offered up some words of wisdom for the viewers. His mantra? Consistency and self-confidence are key. It’s a pep talk that resonates not just with aspiring artists but with anyone chasing a dream.

This episode of The Baller Alert Show gave us a closer look at 310 Baby, not just as an artist but as a young individual navigating the complexities of life, education, and a burgeoning career in the rap industry. His story is one of resilience, talent, and the unwavering belief in one’s self – a narrative that’s sure to inspire many.
