An ecological concept so aesthetic in its viewing that has spurred a separate dimension within the realm of architectural design, while continuing unabated with its residence in the realms of beauty and purpose, gardens emanates an aura in which emotions like awe mingle with elements like air to open up a world of the pleasantly pretty and the elegantly essential.

Gardens are beauties themselves in all naturalities of the plants and flowers and bees and buzz thus harboured, even as artistic depictions of figurines or structures or just a well planned and as well executed scheme in design furthers their charm. Boasting then a quintessential essence of natural beauty around which unfurls also realities of the human imagination, different types of gardens though can strum differently unique definitions of beauty itself.

The modern day designation of gardens as evoked in the quarters of the home and living consideration of architectural design means that their construction occurs as definite means in working beauty around habited spaces. As facets of aesthetic expression that humans seek out as part of their daily lives and that which doubles up also as exclusive spaces to pursue some leisure and breathe in some fresh air and simply enjoy and appreciate the finer things in life, gardens are frequently envisioned in portraying certain themes. Or to say in more physicality, they are designed and built and maintained according to some specific mood or emotion of arousing. The iterations of gardens therefore are varied, and hence special in their existence as havens of everything that bring us fulfilment.

merchandising moon garden
Source: Garden Center Magazine

One of the most special of such concepts in gardening primarily for aesthetic satiating unfolds as a wonderland of sorts. Magical in their glimmering beauty under the moonlight and romantic as well as anything inspired by the moon essentially is, these are designs that specifically appeal in their moonlit character. Identifying then most essentially as moon gardens but also occurring as twilight gardens or night gardens or dream gardens and many similar terms steeped in the celestial beauty of what they reveal, these make for some of the most dramatic of seescapes that one can incorporate well within the physical dimensions of their boundaried existence.

The specifics in which moon gardens shine out in their own sensuousness of beauty needs to be sufficiently met for the magic to flourish. Particularly as concerns the types of blooms that need to be considered for planting, the requirements largely draw upon the reflectiveness of the hues. White of course is the first and most popular color in this context even as silvery foliage accounts for an altogether different occurrence of drama. Some other paler hues work good as well but darker shades would not be even visible outside the scope of bright lights. That is why multihued leaves are particularly suited for moon gardens as against the generally green color which is obscured out in nighttime visibility.

It however would not be restricted an ambit of what occurs only in terms of such florals that sport ‘demure’ colors that glow and conjure up visions that magically float above and about against the absent now presence of the surrounding twigs and leaves. Night blossoms as well as strongly scented blooms are as custom options in fitting into the moonlit narrative as far as the naturalness of it is concerned.

But because the perspective as unfolds in matters of the visual is still considerably limited by only the dim light of the moon, there also asserts the need for manmade constructs to be weaved into this otherworldly setting. The provision of lighting is one of the most significant elements that can be strategically employed to render ever dreamier this already enchanting scape of the florid. What would strike as most obvious in continuing this theme of the magical are options like fairy lights that lend impeccably to the exact mood of fantastical intending.

One can also consider more elaborate options in mood lighting that are available as special makes and designs for display and work within gardened landscapes. Alternatively, one can choose to create new or enhance already existing focal points such that converges interest upon the most pleasing elements housed within that space. Even specific techniques of lighting can be effectively employed to ensure that the objects of attraction retain all focus to emerge as the showstoppers in all ethereal beauty.

Teapot Lights for moon garden
Source: The Navage Patch

The other explorations that can be afforded would once again resonate as identities derived upon both the natural and artificial fore of what appeals to the senses. Introducing water features in any garden makes for quite the extra effect of pleasure, in occurring as plays of the sensory that works way beyond the visual ranges. And specially in the case of moon gardens where the silvery streaks of water would standout all the more, making space for a miniature fountain can be all the effort one needs to undertake to have access to a world profuse in all delights. And if your garden is a more expansive arena of what assumes as full fledged a character as could be, then there is no reason why you should not go all out with an entire pool indeed!

Other ‘accessories’ too can be planted in moon gardens both in convenience and in prettiness and whether these two attributes of the human attending overlap or assert as mutual exclusives instead, the result would still be one of ambient arising. Garden benches need to find their own conducive seating indeed even as purely decorative structures of a metallic or reflective surface would make for striking presences in all their gleaming beauty. The options are endless in this regard with yet another expanse waiting to be stirred as bearing a characteristic nature of the open spaced identity.

Source: Good Homes Magazine

Swaying to the gentle evening breeze is one of the most attractive prospects in what has lead moon gardens to vibe in their newfound popularity. This free flow of the windy allure can be harnessed further to make moon gardens even more magical. The strong whiffs of floral scents carried about by the wind apart, it could also be strategic placing of such elements enhancing the sonority of sounds that can be definitely considered. The existing streams of water too can rely upon this quality of the air to create its own euphonic gushes and gurgles of rendering the soothing feels. Windchimes can be yet another way in ensuring that the rustles of the breeze work in an allrounded manner of beautifying this piece of heaven in your backyard.

Soothing also needs to be the scene of what reveals to the eye in and beyond all naturality. This means that the architecture of moon gardens too need to be in consonance with the themes of a generally lighter occurring in perceiving. Walls and walkways for instance would dazzle as well under the moonlight when they are painted in white or similar expressions of austereness- invariably drawing upon the aesthetics of the moon itself. Other aspects of the hardscape too needs to reside somewhere within the lighter precincts of color- think pebbles and marble chips that naturally occur in such assertion of paleness.

mini mood garden
Source: YouTube

The curatedness in terms of flowers first and foremost and colors as well in another regard of what defines the moon garden identity makes it also a space in which a certain shape of the florals find expression. Blooms that take on a starry form are nature’s choicest endowing upon moon gardens, the majority of which occurs also in muted hues further validating their belonginess redolent indeed in a closeness with the moon.

But before all these necessities of what makes moon gardens emerge as such can unleash their magic, it would make sense that the locational setting is primordially ascertained. Vantage views of the moon should be a prime consideration while even greater should be the importance thrust on deciding upon a space that is not obstructed by towering agents of the surrounding. The attention to detail should extend also in considerations of creating a setting that is proximately located as well as optimally lighted for glowing creatures like fireflies to even enhance the mystic and ambience of the garden.

Source: Garden Design

But the overwhelming call for all celestial factors to be considered in view of holding up the essence of moon gardens should not cease to attend to it being a home where plants and trees and flowers and blossoms live and survive. This means that while the aesthetics themselves call for specifics to be met, it also would be a more general list of guidelines that should be sufficiently summed up as well. Thus if the spot of your choosing does not receive sufficient amount of sunlight during the day, you need to scrounge further for pale colored flowers that are suited to growing in shaded areas.

Numerous such nuances could possibly emerge in similar context, each of which needs to be at least elementarily attended to so that your desired fantasy of a garden does not wilt and wither merely in the initial construct of it. After all, commanding scintillating sights of pristine beauty in yielding the mere ‘power’ of human whims and fancies would not be an easy task by any means and the very fact that it is humanly possible still, even when entailed in considerable toil- and quite some muddling with soil, should be gratifying enough a reason and realisation to definitely work out a mystifying moon garden all for your ambling about and appreciating at will.


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