Three brothers surprise their mom with three houses, complete with a swimming pool, jacuzzi, and home theater, which were all built from their vlog earnings!

Maybe it’s time to change careers and consider vlogging as a business, huh?

Brothers’ Triple House Surprise for Mom

For many years, the vloggers known as the Capinpin brothers and the rest of their family have been renting a house. So, when they began earning money with their vlog, the brothers decided that the best thing to do is to build a home for their mom and themselves.

So, for the new year 2024, the brothers surprised their mom with a resort-style compound that has three homes, several beautiful garage buildings, plus other amenities that made the place a haven for the family.

brothers surprise mom with three houses
Image credit: Capinpin Brothers

They even created a standee of their late dad when they brought their mom to the site where the three homes are built.

What’s impressive is that these three homes have different styles and configurations that suited the family.

When they were done surprising their mom, they also took a video to give their viewers a tour of each home.

They even have a receiving area – the glass house that they have always wanted! This place truly looks like a resort, complete with this receiving area for the guests.

brothers surprise mom with three houses
brothers surprise mom with three houses

What’s cute is that the brothers managed to keep the construction of this grand resort compound a secret from their mom. That would have been so difficult to accomplish, considering that there was so much to plan and do for the houses and the rest of the amenities built on the lot in Cabanatuan City.

The property sits on a 3,500-square-meter lot.

Their mom admitted that she didn’t believe at first because she’d been the subject of her sons’ pranks for quite a number of times.

They also recalled how their group started out during the pandemic, and the things they did to find ways to create fresh content for their viewers.

Brothers Surprise Mom with Three Houses Built from Vlog Earnings
Image credit: Capinpin Brothers

Would you believe that their first video was just about washing dishes and it gained over 5 million views? It was their inspiration to keep going – and it was right of them to do it because now they’re earning so much money that they’re able to build this grand resort-like compound for the entire family.

What Do You Need to Start a Vlogging Business?

A decent camera is important to start vlogging. It doesn’t have to be a professional camera but make sure that it can take clear videos and audio.

Most vloggers started out with a simple setup – and that’s how the Capinpin brothers did theirs with their dad’s smartphone.

Interested in vlogging? Here’s how you can start earning on YouTube.

Joy Adalia
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